fan pulley câu
Come the pulley system must be oiled before dark.Phải thoa dầu hệ thống ròng rọc trước khi trời tối. The special effects team prepares...

Do I look like a fan of law enforcement?Trông tôi giống một người thi hành luật pháp lắm hả? Shit does hit the fan, these dudes are th...

Fan-in and fan-outTải và Fan-Out Fan-in and Fan-outTải và Fan-Out fan-in and fan-outTải và Fan-Out In this example we are using sele...

belt pulley
Remove the timing belt pulley.Tùy chỉnh Timing Belt Pulley Remove the timing belt pulley.Tùy chỉnh Timing Belt Pulley

cable pulley
This exercise can also be performed using a low cable pulley.Bài tập này cũng được thực hiện với máy cáp thấp. Seated One-Arm Cable Pu...

crankshaft pulley
The crankshaft pulley usually has Timing marks located on it, and these are necessary for checking and adjusting Timing with a Timing l...

drive pulley
The larger the materials or goods that are moved by the conveyor built the pulley is powering, the stronger the motor or other power so...

driving pulley
If the car does not slow down, because of a broken drive shaft, for example, the safety brake is activated and acts directly on the lar...

fixed pulley
One of the early attempts at a pulley system was the single fixed pulley, which failed because friction prevented the wheel from being ...

grooved pulley
Elevator cars are pulled up by means of rolling steel ropes over a deeply grooved pulley, commonly called a sheave in the industry.Cabi...

guide pulley
(3) Derrick Crane The use of belt or open gear transmission part, should be set up protective cover, guide pulley should not be used to...

idler pulley
The drive pulleys will cause the belt to move toward them, while the idler pulley simply turns over and allows the belt to move.Các đầu...

magnetic pulley
The operating principle of magnetic pulley is similar to magnetic drum, which is also designed for continuous self-cleaning of metal.Ng...

pulley block
Tripod for Chain Pulley BlockHướng dẫn sử dụng Chain Pulley Lever Block Tip: If you want to remove an entire hedge, a winch or a pulle...

pulley wheel
This bearing pulley wheel can fit for most gym equipment partNày mang ròng rọc bánh xe có thể phù hợp với hầu hết thiết bị tập gym phần...

rope pulley
Rope pulley.Dây ròng rọc.

single pulley
No wonder there isn't a single pulley on the ship!Hèn chi tôi không tìm thấy cái ròng rọc nào trên thuyền.

step pulley
Feature of Step Pulleykiểu tốc độ Step Pulley Feature of Step Pulleykiểu tốc độ Step Pulley

stepped pulley
Some drill presses add a third stepped pulley to increase the number of available speeds.Một số máy khoan có thêm một ròng rọc thứ ba đ...

chain pulley block
Tripod for Chain Pulley BlockHướng dẫn sử dụng Chain Pulley Lever Block

a paper fan
He tried to scoop them onto a paper fan, but they slid off like liquid.Anh cố gắng múc chúng vào một cái quạt giấy, nhưng chúng trượt r...

air fan
This is also a basic oil diffuser, but instead of evaporating essential oils with the help of an air fan, it uses heat for diffusion.Đâ...

alluvial fan
For millions of years, a river has poured off the Himalayan escarpment to flow out into the Gobi, ending in the world’s largest alluvia...

The public has placed great attention on Mr. Hou Zhun's anti-fan.Công chúng đang chú ý đến anti-fan của ông Hạo Vân. The public has pla...

attic fan
You’ll reduce the cost of cooling your home by having this solar-powered attic fan remove hot air from your home.Bạn sẽ giảm chi phí là...